Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Post 10: Most Influential Person


Cyrus the Great was the most influential leader of the Persian Empire. Starting under his reign, he was the founder of the Persian Empire. Time after time, Cyrus conquered empires; first the Median empire, then the Lydian empire, and eventually the Neo-Babylonian empire. Unlike any other ruler before, Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered. Cyrus the Great is the most influential leader of Persia because he did not only care about human rights but he also was a great military strategist.

Post 9: Q4 on Page 49

Post 8: Most Important Award

Hammurabi has been awarded the "MIA" for being the most influential leader during this time period. He created a written law of code that expressed his ability to be an able ruler. The 282 laws dealt with almost everything from trade to theft to injury and murder. We thank you Hammurabi for putting your time and effort into running a successful empire.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Post 7: Northern's Ham and Cheese's code

1. If a student loses his book, he shall be forced to write the whole book by paper and pencil.
2. If a student attacks a teacher, he shall be the teacher's pet (an actual pet).
3. If a student is late to a class without a pass, he shall receive a lash for every minute he is late.
4. If a student does drugs in school, his drugs shall be confiscated and he shall be forced to watch public service announcements for the whole day.
5. If a student attacks another student, they shall both be beaten by the principal.
6. If a student texts in class, his phone shall be crushed with a hammer and his/her hands shall be hit with a ruler multiple times.
7. If a student cheats on a test, his test shall be thrown away and the student will receive a 0 and a lash for the amount of times he has been caught cheating.
8. If a student vandalizes a computer, he shall be forced to fix it. If he cannot he will be forced to buy a new computer.
9. If a student goes home early without a reason, he shall be forced to come to school early.
10. If a student skips a class, his legs shall be cut off making him unable to "skip"
11. If a student steals a school owned item, his hands shall be cut off.
12. If a student disobeys the Ham and Cheese's code, a man in a ham and cheese outfit will attack him/her.

Post 6: Ham and Cheese's Code


1.  If any man, without the knowledge of the owner of a garden, fell a tree in a garden he shall pay half a mina in money.
2.  If any one steal the minor son of another, he shall be put to death.
3.    If any one find runaway male or female slaves in the open country and bring them to their masters, the master of the slaves shall pay him two shekels of silver.
4. If the gardener has not completed the planting of the field, leaving one part unused, this shall be assigned to him as his.
5. If he give a male or female slave away for forced labor, and the merchant sublease them, or sell them for money, no objection can be raised.
#3 and #5 should be in place because they would serve no purpose since there are no slaves.
#2 makes perfect sense. If someone steals a child he should die.
#1 and #4 deal with farming and they should have the right to their own property.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Post 5: Sumerian Letter

Dear Travel Agent 007,

 I would like to thank you for offering a new river valley to settle in. After doing much research I still believe that the Fertile Crescent is still the best choice. Every year the ground becomes fertile because of the annual floods. Due to the consistency of these floods, we feel we will be able to set up a permanent civilization that will be both successful. Although the Indus river valley would be a better choice than a random area, the fertile crescent is the middle of Africa, Europe, and Asia which provides great trade areas.

Sumerian Sumo

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Post 4: River Valley Letter

Dear Sumerians,

The Indus river valley could have also been a great place to live. The region is very similar compared to the Fertile Crescent and other civilizations have/will live there. Agriculture would be of abundance and just like the Fertile Crescent, the soil will be rich and fertile. If you were to ever get attacked, I would suggest searching for the Indus River Valley as a backup place to live. Good luck on your search for a permanent Civilization.

Travel Agent 007

Post 3: Timeline


The two timelines cover all of the Fertile Crescent and also includes surrounding areas during the time.
The first timeline is more beneficial and should be put into the textbook because it provides accurate information and also provides pictures and maps to go along with the text. Although the timeline adds some unneccesary information, it allows for the curious mind to learn more about the Fertile Crescent.

Post 2: 15 Important facts, Quizzes 3-5

1. Sumerian writing was called cuneiform. They wrote on slabs of clay.
2. The Sumerians may have invented the "arch."
3. Sumerians built temples called ziggurats to worship to their multiple gods.
4. The Sumerians developed their calender based on the moon.
5. The Sumerian civilizations existed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
6. The Assyrians were the first to use calvary.
7. The code of Hammurabi is a series of laws that dealt with aspects of life.
8. Zoroaster was a persian prophet who developed an influential religious philosophy.
9. Sargon was the most powerful Akkadian king.
10. Cyrus the great was a eprsian king who captured Babylon and took over the fertile crescent.
11. Phoenicia consisted of city-states.
12. Phoenicians collected shellfish to make purple dye.
13.  The Lydians are the first to use coined money.
14.  The exchange of one good or service for another is called barter.
15. The Phoenicans developed the art of glass blowing.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Post 1: Introduction

Western Civilization Introduction

I am interested in Iron maiden, robot unicorn attack, robot unicorn attack Christmas edition, and robot unicorn attack heavy metal. I like to spend my time making and editing videos and I play tennis. I took this class because I wanted to learn about history other than the United States' history. The Egyptian and the roman ancient civilizations really intrigue me because each of them have created unimaginable things. If I were to gain three things in this class it would be: A better understanding of history, a better understanding of our world today, and a learning how to blog, a different teaching technique used rarely in my school. I am unique because everyone is unique.